Personal Work
Illustrations for the sustainability and recycling campaign of the White Summer Festival 2019.
The commission was to cover the recycling zones using textile billboards (2m x 3,5m) for The White Summer Festival (Girona, Spain). The result was two illustrations, one representing an overview of sustainability and the other one about the recycling topic, which was composed of several illustrations according to the material recycled. Each one shows the final product that can be made from the different waste (ex. compost from organic scraps, textile from plastic bottles...). The white and blue colors were used, according to the corporate colors of the 2019 festival.
Art Direction: TOI - T
+info: White Summer
Personal Work
Beer label for the Cultural Center Les Arts de Lire (Lagrasse Abbey).
779 is the name of this beer, representing the year of the foundation of Lagrasse Abbey.
Brewed by Brasserie La Mandra
Personal work
Identity for le Café des Sports, bistrot et cave a vin runned by Pierre Jancou in Padern, France.
Poster illustration for the 2019 Cavei’Art summer festival.
Personal Work
Tourism project in collaboration with “Le Village de Cucugnan”.
+info: Châteaux de Quéribus
Poster illustration for “La Guinguette”
Kids t-shirts for the Cultural Center Les Arts de Lire (Abbaye de Lagrasse)
Poster illustration for the 2018 Cavei’Art summer festival.
Personal painting project and wine label project in collaboration with natural winemaker Marius Long (Sense Pressa).
Using as a rule and as a common thread the sentence “here is your portrait with a 6 and a 4” (kids sentence when learning to draw a simple portrait, 6 for the eye shape and 4 for the nose shape), allows me to experiment a serie of portraits playing with composition, line, shape and color.
Personal Work
Kefir label design for SafranFou.
In progress.
Children’s book in collaboration.
Illustration representing the Gomera island (Las Canarias) for the non profit organisation Aglayma, who cleans the beaches and the ocean of the island.
+info: Aglayma
“Un Dia Un Vi” / One Day One Wine
Illustrations for catalan wines agenda. A project curated by Patricia de Golferichs.
Graphic Design:
+info: UnDíaUnVi
A selection of some "vignetes" for the section Expat Es of 0034 Código Expat. An online platform for spanish people living overseas.
+info: 0034CódigoExpat